resolution rules

In regards to New Year’s resolutions, people can be divided into three groups: those who succeed, those that fail, and those that want nothing to do them. Regardless of which camp you belong to, this year, approach the subject with an open mind, and perhaps, a new perspective.

Personally, I love the idea of starting the year with new possibility and good intentions. My resolutions are really more a collection of goals that will help me stretch and grow in the direction of my dreams. I always write them down, store them in a safe place, and return to them the following year to see what I have achieved and where I need to refocus.

Read on for my top three tips to help you shine in 2011.

1 – Craft Clearly: 

Pick a resolution that is very specific. ‘Eating more vegetables’ is a worthy goal, but to set yourself up for success, give concrete details. ‘Eat leafy greens 3 times a week’ is much more measurable and makes tracking progress possible.

2 – Add Instead of Subtract:

Do you vow every year to stick it to your sweet tooth? This year, focus on what you will add into your diet, instead of what you will take away. Maybe add in dark chocolate to reduce your cravings for processed and refined cakes and cookies. Or better yet, add in cooked orange vegetables to naturally curb sugar cravings.

3- Think Big, Then Small:

It is important to set goals for yourself that are attainable. If your ultimate fitness goal is to run a marathon, yet you can’t remember the last time you went on a jog, maybe gently push yourself to sign up for a 5K. Once you can check that off the list, start moving towards the bigger picture.

What is your resolution for 2011? 

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